Group Coaching

Honoring the



Awaken your inner radiance & embody sacred transformation

Next Cohort Starting in April

Are you ready to release
the weight of your
mother wound?

Imagine what could happen if

You truly felt the freedom to live life on your
own terms.

A life where you could:

Set boundaries without the shame and guilt stopping you

Break generational patterns and do things differently than your mother and ancestors

Fully accept yourself for who you are without trying to meet the expectations others have for you

Honoring the Return Within’ is a 5-month group program
designed to help women with a mother wound rekindle
the spirit of their inner child and embrace the full
radiance of their soul.

Ready to Release:

The fear of being alone limits you from showing the world who you truly are, and keeps you bound to connections that don't serve your highest good anymore


You are self-critical and tend to be hard on yourself, extending more grace to others. The negative beliefs about who you are or what you're capable of keeps you stuck in a loop


As a survival mechanism, you learned to disconnect from yourself and now struggle with trusting your decisions, knowing what you want, how you feel, how to move about life & how to step into your power


You struggle with accepting your flaws and imperfect self, often focusing on the details or doing things the "right" way



Like many of my clients, I reached a point where I felt confused, stuck and disconnected from who I felt in my
soul I truly was. I realized that this was the manifestation of my mother wound and that these wounds led to
the repeated cycles of self-betrayal, poor boundaries, perfectionism, playing small and much more. With this
new awareness though, I didn't know where to start or what to do to break out and free myself.

We all had one thing in common; we were tired of living our adult lives trapped under the conditions of others
and the strategies that our inner child had learned to use.

You've tried to be more aware of managing your emotions and setting
boundaries, but you end up worried about what others may think about
you changing

You've been thinking about creating a life that is in alignment with your
needs and goals, one where you can confidently make aligned personal
decisions that do not depend on someone else's approval

You're ready to put more intention in your day-to-day life and break these

generational cycles, but struggle to find the clarity on where to start

And maybe you have found yourself where I was



'Honoring the Return Within' was created to
truly help you heal from within & reclaim your
power with the support of these three core


Live & Interactive video modules to help you learn the step-by-step
process that will get you to
rediscover your true self.
Downloadable worksheets and
action items are provided to help
you fully implement what's being taught


Weekly high-level coaching calls &
2 emotional supportive calls to help you
move through the curriculum
and work through roadblocks and
questions along the way


A private, curated community
full of spiritual women on the same
journey as you, who will help you
stay accountable and supported on
your journey to a liberated self

By the end of 'Honoring the Return Within' you'll

have everything you need to step into an

intentional & divine version of yourself by

following this roadmap

Phase One


Discover the foundational awareness needed to tackle the lack of clarity
that keeps you feeling stuck and blind to what it is you have been carrying
with you.

Once you understand what is holding you back, you can fully take
advantage of how to move forward.

Includes 4 Modules

Phase Two


Find the connection to your Inner Child so you can learn to understand it's
needs, how they show up in your life and honor them

Fully taking care of yourself is simple. Working through your thoughts and feelings about what it means to honor yourself is what allows you to move towards a better relationship and aligned self.

Includes 4 Modules

Phase Three


Adjust your perception around the parts, the stories, and the beliefs you have been carrying along with you. Learn to honor your inner child and be intentional with how you choose to move forward.

Gaining back a sense of control and confidence in who you are depends on how you decide to see yourself, others, your experiences and your thoughts.

Includes 3 Modules

Phase Four


Gain confidence in using your voice to nurture yourself and set the necessary boundaries to ensure that you continue to step away from the cycles that have kept you hostage.

Becoming the version you seek means nothing if you are afraid of using the power and magic that your voice holds. Maintaining boundaries will help you follow through with the relationship you owe yourself.

Includes 5 Modules

Phase Five

The Return

Stepping out of the conditions you have used to survive your mother wound, opens up space for you to step into who you were meant to be in this life.

Tapping into your spirituality & harnessing your divine gifts helps you lead an intentional life where you feel empowered, connected and supported as you navigate your human experiences and lessons.

Includes 4 Modules

What Sets us Apart

🌟 Holistic Alchemy: 

Our program blends the art of reparenting with the
wisdom of spiritual teachings, ensuring a holistic
journey that nurtures your mind, body, and soul. It
is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern

🌟 Soulful Sisterhood:

Join a community of like-minded women on similar
journeys. In this sacred circle, vulnerability
becomes strength, and collective wisdom paves the
way for deep-rooted change. Together, we create a
nurturing space to uplift and support each other.

🌟 Structured Transformation:

Our 20-week program is intentionally paced
and thoughtfully structured, allowing for gradual
progress and deep, lasting change. We're committed
to your growth every step of the way.

🌟 Soul-deep Rebirth Retreat:

Our retreat has been intentionally curated to be the
culmination of all the work you have been doing
throughout the 5 months. It is not only a celebratory
moment for your commitment to self, but an
initiation for the woman you have been birthing and
stepping into.

'Honoring the Return Within' is designed to help spiritual women with a mother wound get very specific results.

This is why acceptance into 'Honoring the Return Within' depends on meeting specific criteria.

'HTRW' is for...

Women with a mother wound

Women who are ready to stop avoiding the
personal work they know they need to do

Women who want to trade in generational cycles for a new and aligned path

Women who are done living on auto-pilot and want to truly connect with themselves

Women who are tired of putting the needs and feelings of others before their own

Women who know there's more to them & are open to discovering that through spirituality

Women who are ready for a soul deep rebirth process

'HTRW' is not for...

Women who don't identify as having a mother wound

Women who have strong boundaries and healthy relationships with themselves and others

Women who don't see the value in putting themselves first and prioritizing their needs

Women who aren't ready to work through the discomfort of breaking generational cycles

Women who are not spiritual or are not open to non-traditional spiritual beliefs/views

Women who find comfort in who they are and don't see the need for a soul deep rebirth

Women who aren't ready to be intentional with how they move forward and how they invest in themselves


your Coach

Hey! I'm Alexmi Polanco

Mama of 2, therapist, bruja and owner of Poder Healing. Through my personal journey, I've reconnected with my inner child & have come a long way with the healing of my mother wound. I intentionally try to lead a life that is in alignment with my soul and honors my truth. Though I am human and every day is a challenge, I am proud to say that I have come to master the art of alignment and truth. And I'm here to help you do the same.

Much like you, I had certain childhood experiences that unbeknownst to me, impacted me and who I later became as an adult. This led me down a path where I felt disconnected from myself and engaged in cycles that ultimately were of no real benefit to me. I later realized that they were based on the survival strategies that I came to develop from my mother wound, many of which are also present in my family today.

Throughout my private practice, I have come to work with many clients who come with similar experiences and who struggle with similar obstacles- like a mother wound, inner child wounds and the disconnection of soul & power. There's nothing magical about how I got to where I am at today. But it did require that I go through a gut wrenching soul deep rebirth and cost me relationships. Now, I have a deep understanding of what my foundation had been, honor my my inner child's needs, tap into my intuition and listen to my soul- which are my highest strengths laid out in 'Honoring The Return Within'.

You'll soon find that I'm a deeply intuitive and healing kinda gal. I like to go deep, show up as my full self, and provide the type of safety that yields lasting change.

I'm guessing you're reading this because you're a
woman who's ready to STOP

waiting for people & things to change or fall into place in order for you to start doing the REAL work

feeling frustrated because you struggle to embody the version of yourself you still believe you could be

trying to google or find the answers to the cycles that lead you to disconnect or read all the self-help books, instead of actually investing in a blueprint that will sustain you

'Honoring the Return Within' was created to unveil the version of
you that intentionally walks towards an empowered, magical and
liberated self,
free of the wound that limits your fulfillment in life

You’ve been feeling a nudge that perhaps there's more to who you are or can be but lack the guidance and know-how to truly make this work.

You KNOW that going through life with a mother wound isn't sustainable for the type of future you see for yourself.

It’s time to re-evaluate the relationship you have with your inner child so you can break out of these cycles and enjoy living life intentionally and on your own aligned terms.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • * Access to the curriculum in a private portal to conveniently learn the framework to reparent your inner child, heal your mother wound & step into your divine power through inner child, shadow work and spirituality.

    * Weekly 60-90 minute virtual, interactive group coaching calls

    *2 Monthly emotional support groups to help process what may come up during the course of our time together. (optional attendance)

    *In the 'Enhanced' tier , 2 additional monthly 1-1 calls with Alexmi to go deeper into the work you are doing

    * 24/7 access to the private Group for unlimited, high-level coaching, support, feedback, and community

    *Workbooks & integrative assignments to help you implement the curriculum with ease

    *Access to our Rebirth & Soul Retreat in the Dominican Republic (Feb 9-12)

  • I know life gets full. That's why 'Honoring the Return Within' was designed to give you what you need in order to implement the curriculum into your daily life at your pace. We meet weekly for 60-90 mins during live coaching calls, leaving you with ample time to enjoy everything else in between. Reviewing the value-packed, integrative video trainings, completing the assignments, and engaging in the community can take as little or as much time as you need.

  • NO! As your Coach, you can reside anywhere around the world. We are not limited by any geographical barriers when it comes to coaching.

    You do however, need to meet specific criteria regarding a. the mother wound and b. the ways it impacts your life and c. being spiritual or open among others. During our alignment call, we will discuss this further and determine whether this is the right space for what you are seeking.

  • You will maintain access to 'Honoring the Return Within' curriculum and calls during your enrollment of the 20 weeks as 'Honoring the Return Within' is structured to ensure that you create/find/build your divine power while you're here.

  • The 'Starter' tier includes group support through our frequent coaching calls, two optional monthly emotional support calls and 24/7 access to the private community. Every question during calls and inside of the community receives thorough answers and support until your question is resolved.

    If you are interested in individualized support, we offer the 'Enhanced' tier that includes an additional two 1-1 monthly calls for individualized support.

  • 'Honoring the Return Within' is a 4 figure investment with payment plans available for your convenience. Submit an application and schedule your call to discuss in more detail and take advantage of our current promotional discount!

  • Although I am a therapist, this is not therapy. I do, however, bring my expertise from my clinical work to help you overcome the barriers related to implementing the curriculum. If you are in therapy, it can be a great addition to what you’re already doing in sessions.

    As part of the coaching program, you will have access to 2 monthly emotional support groups where you will meet with a therapist and other group members to help process anything that may come up during the course of your work.

You are deserving of a life that's aligned for you
without being stuck in one that doesn't feel good

With the tools and strategies inside of 'Honoring the Return Within', the way you view your childhood, relationships and adult selves is guaranteed to shift. This shift will influence the trust you have with yourself, your interpersonal relationships and how you show up for yourself moving forward, connecting you to your soul and creating ease as you move through your journey on this earth.

It's time to stop denying the pain your
mother wound has caused and how it
disconnects you from your potential

How much longer will you try to "google" all the ways to do the "self-work", only to feel more disappointed and defeated that you're not seeing any forward movement?

How much more of your capacity will be sacrificed in the name of unconditional love because of your deep fear that you won't be accepted?

How much longer will you quiet your desires of wanting a deeper connection with yourself before you trust that you aren't overacting for wanting more from this season of your life?

You don't have to keep functioning from a place of
generational survival & disconnection

You can be the version that "little you" dreamed of and your higher self is calling you towards,
without feeling lost in the process.

The cycles you want to break and the relationships you want to maintain are within reach.
Now it's up to you to take action.

Are you ready?

Your journey to a life of alignment starts with
these 3 simple steps

APPLY: Fill out your brief application form below to schedule your call

DECIDE: Complete the alignment call so we can get a closer look at how 'Honoring the Return Within' can support you in healing your relationship to self

ENROLL: Secure your seat in the program if we collectively decide that this is the next best step for you

Initiate your Rebirth at our
Dominican Republic Retreat

February 2024

The universe has guided you to this transformative crossroads. 

It's time to step into your Power. 


Honoring the Return Within