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Holistic Wellness

Find out which service is right for you!

We’re here to
help you thrive

Feeling stuck in certain aspects of your life is part of the journey here on this earth. Getting to the root of who you truly are and living life in the ways that you were meant to doesn't have to be explored alone. We offer you the support, professional guidance, and space for you to pause, process your inner world, and thrive in the outer world.


In-person and
Remote Options

Our office is conveniently located in Inwood, Upper Manhattan, with subway and bus access.

Can’t make it into the office? No worries – we’ve got you covered with teletherapy.

Discover your inner wisdom & Reclaim the light in your soul


Deepening Awareness


Guiding through Growth


Supporting Ascension


Healing in Community

You are in the
Right Place if…

  • You seek a different approach to wellness

  • You are a person of color searching for professionals that may look like you, speak like you and/or share similarities with

  • You want to be understood and seen beyond a label

  • You are tired of living in survival mode and are ready to live with intention & purpose

  • You are ready to end generational cycles that have been repeated in your lineage

  • You desire a space where you can explore yourself without limitations and judgment

  • You are committed to your healing journey and the work that it requires

Take our Mother Wound Quiz

Let us help you!

You are exactly where you need to be right now.

Let’s kickstart your healing

We’ll be with you every step of the way.
